There are worms in the human body, how to determine the presence of worms

parasitesThis is a very common phenomenon that most people can easily identify during a standard physical exam.Experts have many methods and techniques for identifying and diagnosing worms in children and adults. At this stage of medical development, this is completely uncomplicated. Furthermore, many worms can be detected independently, leaving the body and entering the external environment. This process usually occurs when females reproduce and lay eggs.
Further determination of the type, number and duration of the life cycle of human helminths must be carried out through a comprehensive examination in a specialized clinic.

Types of human worms

Types of worms in humansRepresentatives of helminths are identified based on general characteristics and lifestyle, life cycle and developmental characteristics. It also takes into account how worms behave in humans, how long they live in the body and the diseases they cause.Doctors can test the body for the presence of the following types of worms:
  • Nematodes, roundworms.Life cycle does not exceed 40 years; parasitic in the intestines. May affect respiratory system and stomach. Representative: pinworm, roundworm, whipworm;
  • Tape parasite.They can survive in the intestines and migrate throughout the body for about 20 years. Large sizes can reach 8-10 meters. Bovine and pork tapeworm individuals, tapeworms;
  • Flukes, flukes.They occur in internal organs and subcutaneous tissue. It travels through all organs and can be life-threatening.
Each of the above groups has representatives most commonly found in humans.
Each of them poses a serious danger to the health and normal functioning of the body:
  • roundwormsMay cause: appendicitis, jaundice, bile duct inflammation;
  • Pinworm.Causes complications: gastritis, allergic reactions, neurological disorders;
  • WhipwormMay cause dysentery and rectal prolapse;
  • Toxocara.Manifested as vision loss, bronchitis, necrosis of pancreas, liver, kidney, and destruction of brain function;
  • Echinococcus tapeworm.It causes dangers such as anaphylactic shock, hives, liver enlargement, cyst formation, and death;
  • Trichinella spiralis.May cause infiltration to form, damaging the heart and brain;
  • Giardia.Consequences: anemia, gastritis, Kunkel's edema, pancreatitis;
  • hookworm.May cause intestinal dysfunction;
  • Wide tape.Promote the development of anemia, vitamin deficiency, intestinal tissue necrosis, spinal cord injury;
  • Heartworm.Can cause diseases: conjunctivitis, lymphadenitis, asthma, abscess; paragonimiasis. They can cause enteritis, bronchitis, fever, meningitis, tachycardia.
These are just some of the parasites that are often mentioned. Some worms are less dangerous, but still harmful. Therefore, it is important to study them under laboratory conditions.

Worm infection

Worm life cycleIt is not difficult for parasites to invade the human body. It is impossible to detect or identify them in the environment because they are usually in the stage of small larvae or tiny eggs.There are certain methods and routes of infection:
  • Bodies of Water In most parasites, the larvae spend the intermediate stages of their life cycle in fresh and salt water. Sometimes they are found in intermediate hosts such as fish and shellfish;
  • Wet sand or soil. Released with feces (mainly eggs) for further development or to find temporary carriers;
  • Dirty raw vegetables, berries, fruits, herbs. Future parasites can penetrate from the soil to the surface of the product;
  • Animals: Homeless and Domestic. Temporary media.
Even a normal walk with children or going to the store, calling an elevator, or a dirty handrail can cause parasites to appear. To prevent this, it is necessary to follow simple rules of personal hygiene, regularly wet-clean the house and ventilate the room where the workplace is located.

Adult Worms and Their Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms of bugs in the bodyCharacteristics alone cannot definitively determine whether a person has a helminth infection.
How to check if you really have worms?
To this end, here are the general characteristic signs of the presence of worms in the human body and how to identify them:
  • Changes in appetite, including increases and decreases in appetite;
  • Nervous, scared, excited. Fatigue and weakness may also occur;
  • Snoring, difficulty breathing during sleep;
  • intestinal problems, including diarrhea and constipation;
  • abdominal bloating;
  • Headache, dizziness;
  • swelling of limbs;
  • Itching of the anus;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • blood pressure fluctuations;
  • rash, redness;
  • feel sick and vomit;
  • stomachache;
  • Weak hair and nails.
These are just some of the signs that may indicate the presence of worms in an adult's body. However, these symptoms may also be characteristic of other illnesses. Therefore, accurate results can only be obtained with proper inspection.

Signs of parasites in children

As immunity and protective protein cells remain insufficient, children are often susceptible to the more serious consequences of the presence of internal parasites:
  • Intestinal dysfunction and dysbiosis;
  • Bloating, gas;
  • Skin inflammation, urticaria;
  • Involuntary urination or urinary incontinence;
  • Respiratory diseases. Bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma;
  • In girls, the reproductive organs may become inflamed;
  • Vomiting, nausea;
  • itching and burning in the anus;
  • Severe abdominal pain and cramping;
  • sleep disorder;
  • nervous,
  • Newborns may develop serious complications or developmental delays.
Identifying worms on your own is quite difficult, and many parents don't take their presence into account. If they try to treat the child without expert help, they may exacerbate the spread of parasites in the child's body. The consequences of this situation are unpredictable.

Various worm tests

parasite test
How can you tell if a person has helminthiasis?
The presence of worms in adults and children can only be determined accurately with the help of specially developed research methods.Doctors develop appropriate research based on signs and symptoms of parasites:
  • scratchThis is a traditional and simple method that involves taking a smear from the anus to determine whether eggs are present;
  • Stool analysis.This method has been tested but does not always work because not all worms are found in the secretions;
  • Chemistry General Blood Test.It allows you to determine the inflammatory process only through the indicator of low hemoglobin levels and also takes into account white blood cells;
  • CPR Diagnosis.The method involves studying parasite DNA material found in blood and comparing it to existing samples. It can accurately determine the type of worm and its number;
  • Linked immunosorbent assay.The method is also based on analysis of the patient's blood. The detection of IgM and IgG antibodies in the samples indicates the immune system's protective response to the worms.
In addition, ultrasound, radiography, and tomography can be performed. The need for them is associated with the migration of parasites throughout the organ and frequent changes in their location. Biopsy or exploratory methods are also used to obtain material from affected organs. The choice of diagnostic method depends on the type of worm and the impact on the organs.

Worms: Treatment in Adults and Children

It is important to realize that in most cases, the process of treating diseases caused by helminth infections is complex. It is not always possible to completely eliminate all parasite larvae and eggs in one course of treatment. Patients usually require ongoing medical supervision and undergo regular check-ups.
What to do in this situation?
It is important to follow your doctor's advice and recommendations.Typically, prescription drugs have a broad spectrum of action.Special caution must be taken when administering medications to young children and newborns. The powerful ingredients of medicinal anthelmintics are not always suitable for immunocompromised organisms.
Only an experienced doctor can prescribe medications appropriate to the age of the patient and the degree of complications of the disease.


What symptoms may indicate the presence of worms in a person's body?

Symptoms of worms may include persistent fatigue, weight loss, insomnia, anal itching, worms in the stool, and abdominal pain.

What diagnostic methods are used to determine the presence of helminths in the human body?

To diagnose worms, investigative diagnostic methods such as stool tests for worm eggs, blood tests for worm antibodies, and ultrasound and X-rays are used.

Useful tips

Tip #1

Watch for symptoms that may indicate the presence of worms, such as persistent fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, sleep disturbances, and allergic reactions.

Tip #2

Contact your doctor for a special stool or blood test to check for worm eggs or worm egg antibodies.